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An Update on Mining in Chile

The society held its annual event focussed on the Chilean mining industry at the Antiquaries Society’s rooms in Burlington House on the 25th of October. This regular event is part of the London Metals Week programme organised by the London Metals Exchange.

It was attended by around 100 people representing a wide range of companies and institutions interested in the Chilean mining sector and provided an opportunity for the Chilean Mining Minister, Ms Marcela Hernando Perez, talk about the policies being adopted by the new government in Chile under President Gabriel Boric.

She explained that the government recognised the enormous importance of the mining sector in the Chilean economy and would follow policies which improved productivity and development at the same time as respecting the environment and communities. With the growing importance of lithium, the government intended to create a national lithium company to harness the benefits for all. The target of carbon neutrality by 2050 will be pursued with a wide-ranging programme of actions under the National Mining 2050 Programme. The Minister also mentioned that they were working on a royalty law which would be fair to all participants in the industry.

The Minister’s talk was preceded by a panel presentation on the role of women in the mining industry, which was chaired by HE Susana Herrera, Chilean Ambassador.

The event was generously sponsored by Anglo American, Antofagasta, LME, Rio Tinto and Teck.


  • Anglo Chilean Society


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